Welcome to cookeatworld

Cook Eat World returns! I’m back from the dead people! It was 13 years ago that I first started cookeatworld, then called ‘What You Having For Your Tea’. After scrapping that title, mostly due to being very long and annoying to type out I settled on the name Cook Eat World. The name spawned from a half-baked pun of the similarly titled book. That said, it stuck and I happily blogged for the next 7 years, albeit a hobby blog but accumulated a loyal following along the way.

Blinded by the Light

It was after a surprise move to the USA that my attention was taken with other matters, like experiencing everything my adoptive city of Las Vegas had to offer. And let me tell you people, Las Vegas has a LOT to offer!

After 4 years of living permanently in Sin City, I slowly began to revisit cookeatworld.com to remake some of the old favourite recipes. I never stopped cooking, I certainly didn’t stop eating – I just got distracted by all the bright lights.

I also began to harbour a desire to bring back the blog – but on looking at it, it was so riddled with terribly built pages and horrific SEO issues. It was a wonder anyone ever visited. The photography was also laughable. It was patently obvious that most of my shots were snapped in a dimly lit room, 3 seconds before I’d be stuffing it in my face.

Cook Eat World Returns with a new look.

So I made the decision to completely re-design – the pics, the recipes – everything! As Cook Eat World returns with a new outlook on SEO too. I finally got my act together. Anyone from the glory days will note that not all the recipes are here. Some personal favourites made the first wave but most are in a long queue, awaiting their makeover. If you’re an old friend, and have a favourite you want to see resurrected – let me know!

On looking at some of the dishes I peddled out, they won’t ever see the light of day! One such dish was a raspberry panna cotta (imagine a fleshy coloured dome that I’d half dressed with a solitary raspberry. Like a wobbly breast, with absolutely no innuendo intended at the time.

With the design, I’m going for a more considered approach. I’m drawing on my 100 years as a graphic designer to create something that looks appealing and cool rather than from the pages Mongolian Vogue. And I’m sticking with my ‘World Cuisine theme because that’s what I eat, that’s what I cook, that’s what I obsess about. So here it is, back from Los Muerta – cookeatworld.com – in all it’s splendour.

What do you think?